The Fridge With a Big Heart Making a Difference in our Neighborhoods

The Fridge With a Big Heart Making a Difference in our Neighborhoods

MTV Lebanon hosted Mrs. Nayla Frem, our President and founder on Saturday 15th of April 2023 to talk about Berrad El Hay initiative.

Mrs. Nayla said: “In 2017 I was really touched seeing people grabbing food from the garbage to eat and feed their families, so I decided to gather food in my car and distribute them to the homeless.”

She added: “Our first community fridge started in March 2019 to feed the neediest people, with a mission to reduce food waste.”

With a family spirit and dedication, Berrad El Hay team cooks heartwarming dishes from Monday to Friday to feed the beneficiaries.

Through Berrad El Hay, this initiative has been able to provide thousands of meals to people who would otherwise go hungry.

Watch the Full Report

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Berrad El Hay

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